I posted about being MIA while working on 250 wedding invitations for a friend of my daughter. Once I was finished with that project, we went on vacation in Branson, MO. What a long ride from the ATL (13-14 hours when traveling with a three year old)! We met up with family and had a great time visiting and seeing some of the nieces and nephews for the first time.

When we got back to Georgia late Thursday night, we were all exhausted from the trip back and we (me, my husband, and our daughter’s family) laid around on Friday trying to re-energize. Saturday, we began to get things back in order and my husband and I feeling as though we were still on vacation went to a movie. When we got back, our daughter informed us the Air Conditioning had GONE out! WHAT!!! Why do these things happen on the weekend???? Well, this was just dandy. I keep the house at a nice 68 to 70 degrees during the day and a nice cold temp of 64 to 65 at night. Yes, I’m of that age where I stay hot most of the time and I wake up in the middle of the night burning up (no night sweats), sure that someone has messed with the thermostat and set it at 70 degrees (yes, I have gotten up many a night with my handy-dandy cell phone flashlight to double-check the house temperature; only to find the house is 65 degrees – just where I had set it before bed). It has been quite a survival feat to make it through to today, Monday. The phone call is in and the HVAC repair company will be here between 1 and 5. I’ll be as excited to see the repairman as I am the UPS driver making a SU! delivery!!!

Now, on Sunday as I was leaving the house to go and pick up a box fan from my friend, Cheyenne, my husband and daughter mentioned we had a water leak in the yard. When it rains it pours! My husband checked out the water meter while I stood by and supervised LOL. He had to shut off the water and take a jar and get the water out of the hole in the ground before we, oh I guess I should have said he, could determine the source of the leak. Thank goodness it was between the meter and the road; therefore, the county will fix the leak with no cost to us, and it looked as though the leak was not affecting our water consumption. Someone from the county water department should be out sometime today to check out the leak.

All of this dialog was to say, I’ll be getting back on track with card challenges and posts. In fact, I’ll be posting a challenge this morning as soon as my camera’s battery recharge.

Have a great week!